Pursuant to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus from may 30, 2003. No. 724 "on measures for implementation of state standards for social services for the population of the Republic" by the decision of the Vileika district Executive Committee on 30 December 2003. No. 1014 created state institution "Vileika territorial center of social service of the population", which operates since 1 January 2004.

The goal of the Centre:

The implementation on the territory of the Vileika district organizational, methodological and practical activities on social services to citizens in difficult life situations.

The main objectives of the Centre are:

- study and analysis of social and demographic situation, forecasting of social processes, needs for social assistance to various categories of the population and development of proposals on improvement of social services;
- a comprehensive study of the needs of the population in a particular form of assistance and the possibility of providing it;
providing citizens social, psychological, legal, consulting services, assistance in social adaptation and rehabilitation of people;
- awareness - raising activities on topical issues of social service population.
- implementation in practice of new forms of social service of the population, depending on the kind of needs of citizens in social support;

In a public institution "Vileika territorial center of social service of the population" consists of 6 departments: Department of primary reception of information, analysis and forecasting, emergency social services, the Department of social help at home, the Department of social adaptation and rehabilitation, day stay and followed by accommodation for persons with disabilities, Department of day care for senior citizens.
  • 8 01771 5 48 17
    e-mail: GU-VTCSON@mail.ru
  • Республика Беларусь, 222417, Минская область, г. Вилейка, ул. Партизанская,44